This television series premiered on the Starz network in 2010, and had its final season in 2013. It starred Andy Whitfield (Season 1) and Liam McIntyre (Season 2 & 3) as Spartacus. This series is loosely based on the life of Spartacus who was a former gladiator that fought against the Roman Republic in a major slave uprising.
This coin was used in the production of the series during various scenes. This metal alloy coin has a cool realistic feel and design. The coin is in excellent condition coin and includes a clear plastic display stand and quality copy of Certificate of Authenticity from VIP Auctions.
Condition: Excellent
Size: Varies as they are not perfectly round, 1” – 1 1/16” (2.5-2.7 cm) diameter.
This is not real currency, just movie prop money. Screenshots are presented for reference purposes and are taken from: Spartacus. DeKnight Productions Starz Originals, Starz Network. 2010-2013.